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Does God not know His own mind...

Question: Does God not know His own mind, is He racist or ageist?

Answer: The scriptures should show you God definitely knows His own mind and is very specific. If scripture and history fails to convince you, use logic.

I do not really recommend using common sense as criteria because “Common" "sense" is not God's creation or equal to His intelligence. "Common" and “sense” = what" most" humans do.  
Most humans do things uncommon to God. Nevertheless, for those to whom it would help, here are some common sense thoughts.


Question: Is Yahshua (Jesus) not our "rest"?

REST = rely on God for our food etc. Rest in His assurance and promises. Exodus 35:2 “Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death”. Not a mere rest as one does under other circumstances. Resting does not make a day or period holy or every night you sleep would be holy. It is holy because God designated the seventh day and other annual periods as such.  Then it is to be given to the Lord by living it in His word, dedicating your time to Him. Then ask how did Jesus and God’s people keep it in the past and do likewise.


Question: Is keeping the “law” not “Legalism”?        Answer: If we are serious about following God we must put all effort into understanding His way of life for us on earth as there is no second chance after death when sat_n’s deceits are shown.   The master counterfeiter has deceived many of God’s people as he did from the beginning with Eve. Not by telling her to eat the apple, disobey God; but by impressing another way to look at God’s command rather than literally.  To use her own reasoning, rational etc. so that “when she saw…(Gen 3:6)”, she persuaded herself and Adam to eat the apple and disobey God. Today when attempting to

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